- I often have felt Wrap Rage, but never knew what it was called.
- And for completely useless but very interesting information Did You Know...
- We had a great weekend. There was fishing, boating, sunburns, TABs(Tasty Adult Beverages), rain, mud, and snow. Yes snow. Pictures to come later this week. But not of the snow, seeing it was depressing enough.
- Really, a good time was had by all even with the noncooperation by the weather.
- And this next weekend, Nick is headed to the field. So, more camping.
- Our camper rocks.
- we have "nice" weather now. 70 degrees, but with wind. There's always wind in Wyoming.
- Turbo got a new watch for his birthday. Now I get constant updates on the time. He might even keep Dad more on time, when he's with him. Turbo has also timed several things, set his alarm, but got up before it went off, and checked the accuracy of the clock in the truck. It's cute, but could slide right into annoying if he's not careful. Luckily, I think he will be sidetracked by his other birthday loot.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Random Tuesday things
Random it up people:
Friday, May 27, 2011
Time to confess it all, or some, or what ever you fell like confessing. Join up with Mamarazzi and Glamazon for the confession free for all.
And I confess:

And I confess:
- I'm looking forward to this weekend.
- Turbo is out of school and we are going camping!
- With lots of friends!
- It was fun but just a bit bittersweet to have Turbo's 8th birthday the week.
- I can't have an 8 year old yet, can I?
- I'm beyond thrilled that Jen at Sprite's Keeper brought back the Spin Cycle.
- My post this week is here.
- I may be doing more memes than I had planned.
- But they are so fun.
- And there are times when I look at my blog and go, what to talk about?
- I just have to be careful and not let the memes take over completely.
- I do enjoy them though--they bring so much comment love my way.
- And I love comments ;)
- I confess I may be missing on Monday
- But I'll be around on Tuesday.
- I never watched Oprah.
- I don't think I'll miss her.
- Some of the shows on her network are just bad.
- I don't even like the ads for them.
- I'm so ready for the summer to start.
- Now to get that memo to Mother Nature.
Spin Cycle
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Turbo (Who's 8 Now--8!!!!!!!11!!!)
So yesterday was Turbo's Birthday. He turned 8. How did that happen? He was three just yesterday! Really. OK, so He has been growing and all that since we brought him home, but it really does not seem like eight years ago that we brought him home. Of course we got to meet him two weeks earlier than planned. Turbo was in a hurry from day one.
So that's how he has grown. Here's what we did for his birthday--part 1. Yea the kid gets a two part birthday this year. The second part will happen this weekend. But on his really real birthday he got to do some of this:
So all in all he had a great day. He got a new bike (that he will learn to ride this summer), he got Lego Pirates of the Caribbean, a K'Nex set and some more Magic Tree House books on CD. Oh and some magnet spheres to play with. Kid did pretty good really.
Happy Birthday Turbo, I'm proud of you and how much you've grown up this last year. Keep on being you!
I'm linking this with KMama's Proud Mommy Moments--because I'm so darn proud of Turbo.

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9 Months and going places. |
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18 Months and full of the devil. |
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3 and still devilish. |
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You mean I'm supposed to be having fun in the rain? (4 here) |
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First time on a beach--5 and loving Clearwater FL. |
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Such a proud big brother (let the idolization begin). |
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All my guys--Turbo is six here. |
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Seven and you know, that devil is still there. |
Getting the cool stuff. |
Happy Birthday! |
Playing with the frosting |
Turbo got frosted! |
Happy Birthday Turbo, I'm proud of you and how much you've grown up this last year. Keep on being you!
I'm linking this with KMama's Proud Mommy Moments--because I'm so darn proud of Turbo.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Spin Cycle--Reunions
It's back! Jen of Sprite's Keeper has revived the Spin cycle! This weeks topic is reunions. She couldn't have picked a more timely topic.
My 20 year high school reunion is this summer--the end of July to be exact. I skipped my 10 year, for a lot of reasons.
One, they sent the invite to my husband's parents' house--a place I had never received mail. By the time of my 10 year reunion, we had lived in the house we bought for about four years. They found Nick parents' address, but not ours? Yeah, not really lighting the fires to go see these people again.
Two, I never really fit in in high school. I had no good friends to go see and reconnect with. The ones I would have wanted to see were in different grades than I was. It was a small school. I graduated with about 76 kids. All the grade socialized, with only about 300 kids in the whole high school, you knew just about everyone.
Three, Nick was working on his second bachelor's in geology and had a summer job with the USGS. He was in the field at the time of my reunion. He wouldn't have been able to go with me. And I certianly wasn't going alone.
Now we have reached the time for my 20. I'm torn about going. The main reason I don't really want to go is because of reason 2 above. And truthfully, I think I can find something more fun than that and I don't think anyone will really miss me if I don't go. But on the other hand I am curious about how some people have turned out.
So do I go or don't I? Really, I'm leaning toward not, but I might change my mind about a dozen times between now and then.
If you want to join in the Spin Cycle, write your own spin on the topic given and head over to Jen's and she will link you right up.
Spin Cycle
WWTK Wednesday--What MUST You Do?
We Want to Know Wednesday is all about the musts in your life. This week the questions come from Seriously Shawn:
1.} What must you do before you go to bed at night? I have to hit the restroom to you know, go, take out my contacts, then off to bed and I put in my ear plugs, put on carmex and then go to sleep.
2.} What is one thing you must snack on at the theater? I don't get to the theater that often, but I like to have popcorn and a soda. I used to love to get twizzlers, but don't like them as much anymore.
3.} Before going on vacation what must you do? The dishes. I hate coming home to a sink full of dirty dishes.
4.} What is one thing you must do every day? Blog. At least on weekdays. On weekends I have to at least check my blog. It's almost a compulsion.
5.} Is there something you do that must be done in a particular order? Not really. It makes more sense to shower before I do my hair, put my undies on before the pants, socks before the shoes, etc. But really none of them have to be done in any particular order. But after getting up this morning I realized there is one thing I must do in a specific order. I have to put my contacts in right after I have dried off after getting out of the shower. My hands are still clean and it is much easier to put the darn things in with clean hands. Then I can put on lotion, face cream, brush teeth, etc.
And our hosts with the mosts are the lovely Impulsive Addict, Janette, Mamarazzi and Seriously Shawn.

1.} What must you do before you go to bed at night? I have to hit the restroom to you know, go, take out my contacts, then off to bed and I put in my ear plugs, put on carmex and then go to sleep.
2.} What is one thing you must snack on at the theater? I don't get to the theater that often, but I like to have popcorn and a soda. I used to love to get twizzlers, but don't like them as much anymore.
3.} Before going on vacation what must you do? The dishes. I hate coming home to a sink full of dirty dishes.
4.} What is one thing you must do every day? Blog. At least on weekdays. On weekends I have to at least check my blog. It's almost a compulsion.
5.} Is there something you do that must be done in a particular order? Not really. It makes more sense to shower before I do my hair, put my undies on before the pants, socks before the shoes, etc. But really none of them have to be done in any particular order. But after getting up this morning I realized there is one thing I must do in a specific order. I have to put my contacts in right after I have dried off after getting out of the shower. My hands are still clean and it is much easier to put the darn things in with clean hands. Then I can put on lotion, face cream, brush teeth, etc.
And our hosts with the mosts are the lovely Impulsive Addict, Janette, Mamarazzi and Seriously Shawn.
Go visit them to see what other musts are out there today.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Tuesday and the Random
Time to random it up, it being Tuesday and all.
- Found the site Mental Floss. Thought it was pretty fun and funny.
- I have an explorer in the house. Saturday Bruiser decked himself out in a winter hat, backpack, sunglasses and his Y-bike (of course he was not wearing pants at the time) and went exploring--to the dining room. Then he came back. I didn't get pictures, but believe me, he looked goofy.
- Turbo is counting down the days until school gets out. Also to his birthday--but then what kid doesn't count down to that?
- And we have rain again. I should be happy it's not that s word. Although there is some of that threatened for over night tomorrow.
- We are supposed to get new cell phone service tomorrow. We have been with Alltel and now AT&T is taking over. We have been told the change was going to happen about three different times now, but tomorrow is 'the day'. We shall see. This whole thing has been sort of a pain in the butt. But hey--I get a new phone. Not a smart phone though. Just your basic flip phone.
- Have you ever felt like you found the end of the internet. Like there's just nothing new to see? Some days are just like that. Then I go see what people have put on their blogs and discover that there is a whole lot more internet out there. Some of it's pretty scary. Some of it is pretty entertaining.
- And the newest on the end of the world--the guy who said it was coming says opps, nope, I miscalculated and the end is coming in October. He's 0 for 2 now. Dude, just give it up.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Another Weekend Gone...
...and what do I have to show for it?
I got the laundry done.
I got the truck and the car detailed.
I got dishes done.
I got lunch and dinner made, fed to the fam and cleaned up on Saturday and Sunday I got them dinner.
I helped Turbo put together his new Lego set.
We went and socialized with the neighbors.
We survived the "Rapture" or the end of the world or what ever it was supposed to be. In honor of the supposed events, Friday we snuggled down and watched Ghostbusters. It seemed fitting.
Really we did a lot of nothing. But I feel like I got a lot accomplished. And looking back, I feel awfully domestic.
But on Sunday we got to go have a bit ofsanity fun by getting out for drive to see how much water is coming out of the mountains. It is really just beginning. We will have lots more in about two weeks. Since we are just starting to warm up, things are just starting to thaw out.
Next weekend we get to have fun. Turbo is out of school and we are going to go play.
But first we have to get through this week. And what a week it will be. It's Turbo's last week of school, his birthday is Wednesday, and we have to pack the camper for our celebration of Memorial Day weekend. With any luck the week will go by in a flash.
So what did you do this weekend?
P.S. over at Mimi's place--Living in France--she's having a giveaway for a blog makeover from Erin at Samantha's Day. Go check out both Mimi and Erin. You enter if you want, but I really want to win.
I got the laundry done.
I got the truck and the car detailed.
I got dishes done.
I got lunch and dinner made, fed to the fam and cleaned up on Saturday and Sunday I got them dinner.
I helped Turbo put together his new Lego set.
We went and socialized with the neighbors.
We survived the "Rapture" or the end of the world or what ever it was supposed to be. In honor of the supposed events, Friday we snuggled down and watched Ghostbusters. It seemed fitting.
Really we did a lot of nothing. But I feel like I got a lot accomplished. And looking back, I feel awfully domestic.
But on Sunday we got to go have a bit of
Next weekend we get to have fun. Turbo is out of school and we are going to go play.
But first we have to get through this week. And what a week it will be. It's Turbo's last week of school, his birthday is Wednesday, and we have to pack the camper for our celebration of Memorial Day weekend. With any luck the week will go by in a flash.
So what did you do this weekend?
P.S. over at Mimi's place--Living in France--she's having a giveaway for a blog makeover from Erin at Samantha's Day. Go check out both Mimi and Erin. You enter if you want, but I really want to win.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Confession time again:
- I wax my own legs--with the prewaxed strips.
- Then I only have to shave like once or twice a week.
- I hate shaving--gel is way too mucky and soap makes me itchy.
- It's almost time to paint the toes
- That is if the weather ever warms up enough to wear open toed shoes again.
- I got hyper irritable on Monday.
- Nothing the boys did didn't rub against my nerves.
- I'm gonna blame the weather.
- I think since the weather has been so crappy I can blame it for what ever I want to.
- It's time to do the dreaded laundry again.
- Last time the towels almost won.
- This week will be different.
- I will prevail!
- Next week I will have an 8 year old in the house.
- I'm not ready for an 8 year old.
- How did he get to be 8?
- I've gotta stop blinking, darn it!
- I confess the end of Bones last night was a surprise.
- Nick claims that it's the end of the show now.
- I'm curious to see how they handle it next season.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Watchin' the Tube
OK, so I tried to post this last Thursday and then Blogger had it's hissy fit difficulties. When Blogger was back and running, all I got back was the draft. So we will try this again.
I was thinking about the television I watch on a regular basis. It is very guy oriented:
I was thinking about the television I watch on a regular basis. It is very guy oriented:
- Mythbusters--fun for the whole family
- Dirty Jobs--down and dirty fun
- Deadliest Catch--interesting drama and crabs!
- Pawn Stars
- American Restoration--a new show on History
- Oddities
- Top Gear
- Good Eats
- Bones
- Dukes of Hazzard--when it is on CMT
- AFV--America's Funniest Videos
- What Not to Wear
- Clean House
- Say Yes to the Dress
- How Do I Look--every now and then
- CMT music--when it's on on the weekends.
- I could get into Dancing with the Stars but have yet to actually watch it.
- Scooby Doo--any and all versions, shows, movies, whatever.
- Phineas and Ferb
- Looney Tunes
- Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
- Backyardigans
- Bob the Builder
- Thomas--although Bruiser does not like Thomas quite like Turbo did
- Muppet Show.
So this comprises the majority of our TV watching time. We spend an inordinate amount of time on the Discovery networks, History Channel and Nat Geo, what can I say we are geology geeks. And watch very little network television.
Proud Mommy Moment
Going to join in with Emmy Mom and Kmama for Proud Mommy Moments this week.
My Mommy Moment has to do with Turbo. And the longing a boy can have for a video game.
Last week while we were doing the grocery shopping we were at Wally World. Since Turbo's birthday is coming up and we plan on getting him a bike, I took him from the food side to the bike side. In the process we passed the DVD/Music/Video game area. Out in the middle of the aisle, like wally World is Famous for, there was a display for Lego Pirates of the Caribbean
Turbo saw it and fell in instant love. He begged and pleaded and really almost cried to get it right then and there. I was not moved--his birthday was coming up and there was no way I could justify that purchase to Nick. Turbo had to wait. I made a deal with him. If he could refrain from asking for anything at the stores we had to go to next, we would see if the game rental store had one to rent.
It was funny and sweet to watch Turbo contain his longings as we went to Albertson's and Kmart. He would see something that caught his eye and start to ask for it then catch himself and say "I want it but I don't need it. Nope, not asking for it."
When we went to the rental store we found that all copies of the game were rented. Turbo took the disappointment well. Since he had been so good I let him pick out a different game to rent--also a Lego video game, but one he hadn't played yet: Lego Star Wars III
Now if only he could handle being told no that well all the time. I was very proud of how he handled the whole thing. He was cute and for once not annoying about getting something he wants. Delayed gratification is that much sweeter. He's going to be so excited on his birthday.
(Clicking on the Lego link takes you to amazon with a small amount for me--just saying)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
WWTK Wednesday
Hosted by:
Impulsive Addict, Janette, Mamarazzi and Seriously Shawn
Time once again to let you all know some more about me--in keeping with the questions asked of course.
This weeks questions are asked by Mamarazzi!
And the lucky questions are:
{1} If you could choose a Super Power, what would it be? The ability to be in two places at once. Then I could work and be at home with my kiddos. I like working but I miss my kids when I am at work so it would be nice to be in two places at once--but then I really think about that one and get terrified at the thought of keeping it all straight in my head. Yikes, maybe I should go for something like super stretchy arms to make clean up and fight intervention easy.
{2} What would be your first frivolous purchase if you were awarded a million dollars, tomorrow? Brand new lap top computer for hubby and I, a new game console for Turbo, and tons of Scooby stuff for Bruiser.
{3} What would be the hardest current luxury for you to give up? The DSL internet connection. Just having Blogger down last week showed me how much I love having a line out to the blogging world--it's my sanity.
{4} If you were given a choice between being given great wisdom and great wealth, which would you choose? I think I'd go for great wealth. It would give me the luxury of not having to work so I could improve on my brain with no guilt.
{5} If you were to be stranded on a deserted island for 100 days what 5 THINGS would you pack? Five things, hmmm?
- My hubby. Since he is my best friend and the one that does all the fix it stuff, I'd have to have him there to, you know, fix stuff.
- A rocking swim suit
- Loads of sunscreen
- A box filled with books/or a kindle with many books stocked on it (and a solar recharging station).
- Survival kit--with matches, food, tent, bedding, cooking utensils, an axe or saw, and fishing gear.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Random Tuesday Comes Around Again
Time to do the random thing and join Stacy for Random Tuesday. She's still holding the rebel sign and leading the rebellion against the end of Random Tuesday. With any luck Keely will want her title as Random Tuesday Queen back soon. Anyway, here is my random for the week:
- Mother Nature is seriously whacked. No really, I think she sent us the shortest spring on record. I blinked and spring was over. I gotta stop blinking, I miss so much that way: spring, the boys growing up...
- Small children have radar for your weak points. Whether you have a sore spot or just a threshold for whining, kids know where or what it is. And they go for it every time.
- Goldfish crackers are crazy addicting. They never sound all that tasty, but just try having one of the stupid little buggers. It's impossible. You have to eat like dozens of them and they taste so good. But they don't sound good when you think of a snack.
- Making Turbo do chores to play his video games is a win for me--I get those little nagging things done and he gets a bit of responsibility. I know he's going to want a DS soon--he loves playing with mine.
- Why is it that having a set plan for dinner--that I didn't come up with--makes me stick to it better? Doing this Emealz thing has really helped in the dinner decision making. Just taking out the question of what to make for dinner has really helped. This means when my subscription runs out I really need to sit down and do some serious planning. I'm thinking that I will be putting together a dinner box--the recipes and meal plans in one place to choose from to make dinners for the week. I'm still kicking around ideas. But I'm going to have to do something so the dreaded "What do you want for dinner?" question stays retired.
- In other news, there is a rumor that Jen of Sprite's Keeper is thinking about bringing back the Spin Cycle. I'd love it if she did.
Spin Cycle
Monday, May 16, 2011
Such and Such Monday
I'm still mad at Blogger. They have not given me back my Thursday post. It's still lost in the ether. I know lots of people have already gotten back their Thursday posts, but mine is still gone. Whine, pout, moan. Kay, I'm done.
We didn't do much this weekend--the weather was less than nice. And it's supposed to get all rainy with a bit of snow at night later this week. Somehow I think we had spring Mother's Day weekend and that's all we're gonna get. At least we got out to enjoy it.
I did go shopping with my mom--used books, thrift store finds and Sam's Club--yeah we know how to live it up. But we did go to Sierra Trading post and hit a great sale there. I got a pair of really cute Keens, and a pair of Chaco sandals. I was hoping for Keen sandals but they didn't have any my size.
Yesterday at Walmart, doing the weekly grocery run, Turbo spotted the display for Lego Pirates of the Caribbean
. It was instant love. He lobbied hard for it, but since he has a birthday coming up in--oh god--9 days, he gets to wait. Grandma will come through for him. It was funny to see him censor himself in requests for stuff while we finished our shopping. We did check out bikes--the kid has to learn how to ride a bike this summer. We are hoping a new bike that he picks out will do the trick. Honestly, I think the kid looks at his bike like Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes used to. It's not a kind and loving relationship. Turbo is sure the bike is out to get him.
Bruiser continues to be Bruiser. Nick had a friend over last night who had a five month old bull dog. Bruiser thought the bully dog was fascinating and terrifying by turns. Since they were about the same size it was fun watching them chase each other.
Well that covers the family ramble for this week. Tune in next week for an update on the campaign for Lego Pirates, the Bruiser chronicles and the rest of the story Jones style.
(Clicking on the Lego link takes you to amazon with a small amount for me--just saying)
We didn't do much this weekend--the weather was less than nice. And it's supposed to get all rainy with a bit of snow at night later this week. Somehow I think we had spring Mother's Day weekend and that's all we're gonna get. At least we got out to enjoy it.
I did go shopping with my mom--used books, thrift store finds and Sam's Club--yeah we know how to live it up. But we did go to Sierra Trading post and hit a great sale there. I got a pair of really cute Keens, and a pair of Chaco sandals. I was hoping for Keen sandals but they didn't have any my size.
Yesterday at Walmart, doing the weekly grocery run, Turbo spotted the display for Lego Pirates of the Caribbean
Bruiser continues to be Bruiser. Nick had a friend over last night who had a five month old bull dog. Bruiser thought the bully dog was fascinating and terrifying by turns. Since they were about the same size it was fun watching them chase each other.
Well that covers the family ramble for this week. Tune in next week for an update on the campaign for Lego Pirates, the Bruiser chronicles and the rest of the story Jones style.
(Clicking on the Lego link takes you to amazon with a small amount for me--just saying)
Friday, May 13, 2011
Confessions Make Me Feel Good
What's up for confession this week:
- I radiate heat when I sleep.
- But I must have all the blankets up to my chin and well tucked in.
- Unless my feet get hot.
- Then they stick out from under the covers.
- Nick does like to cuddle, but not sleep close to me.
- The radiation problem.
- I'm lost--blogger was out of commission until only moments ago.
- I had not realized how nice it was to have a line out to my blogging pals.
- Being cut off is awful.
- I really need to clean house.
- I got my hair trimmed and my hair lady straightened it.
- Nick loves my hair straight.
- My problem is that it takes a lot more effort to have straight hair
- I'll stick to the curly wash, gel and go style.
- It is nice to have a change every once in a while though.
- Tuesday I had to pick up the boys from Papa's house.
- He had the dog too.(this is important, I promise)
- I got everyone home and headed in to the house with the boys.
- Nick got home about ten minutes after I did.
- He asked me where the dog was.
- I'm horrible--I left the dog in the car.
- Poor Guiness was semi-patiently waiting for one of us to come get him out of the car.
- In my defense the weather was nice--about 55 degrees. But still, I forgot the dog.
- Nick will never let me live this one down.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
So it's that time again. Time to answer the nosy questions from the gals of We Want to Know Wednesday.

This weeks questions are from Janette:
{1} What game show have you always thought you could be on and totally WIN! Since I am good at random trivia, I always thought I'd be good at Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader, Jeopardy, or any of the question and answer game shows.
{2} Do you have a tattoo(s)? What are they and what made you chose them? If not, would you get one, yes/no/why? I don't have any tattoos. I've never found an image that I liked well enough to have permanently placed on my body. I think tattoos are really neat when they are done well.This weeks questions are from Janette:
{1} What game show have you always thought you could be on and totally WIN! Since I am good at random trivia, I always thought I'd be good at Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader, Jeopardy, or any of the question and answer game shows.
{3} What is your favorite piece of jewelry that you own? My wedding ring. When Nick was getting ready to propose I was working at a jewelry counter in JC Penney's. I told him I wanted a ring that would lay flat, not stand up because I was sure I would lose the diamond or scratch myself with a traditional solitaire. He chose a band with five diamonds in it and for the wedding ring added a plain band of gold on either side of the original band. It is unique and perfect for me.
Just perfect! |
{4} What is your driving pet peeve(s)? Slow drivers. You know, the ones that drive slowly because they think they are safer? I got news for them, they aren't. They're just a hazard for those of us that drive the speed limit.
{5} What was your favorite sitcom growing up that you wish was still on? I liked The Facts of Life. And M*A*S*H. I still love watching old episodes of M*A*S*H. As a kid, any show that had kids in it was good with me. My step dad watched a lot of cop shows and I got really tired of those after a while. SO if I had to choose one that was still on, I think it'd have to be M*A*S*H.
Now go link up with Impulsive Addict, Janette, Mamarazzi and Seriously Shawn.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Random Tuesday Thoughts--plunged into the deep end
So, after a relaxing weekend, here we are again at Tuesday. And if it's Tuesday that means random but now it means we get to follow Stacy's rebel sign because Keely is still settling into her new job. So here we go, and random:

- Why, after a good weekend does Monday suck that much more? Turbo is sick, the dishes are breeding in the sink, and I just don't want to anymore. Whiny, much? Yes, I am. Things will look up, but getting there is never fun.
- We have gotten rid of the suckie, sort of. Bruiser does not suck on one any more but he holds the silly thing when he goes to sleep and he knows that Grandma is a push over and cries during nap time for it. Interesting that a small person has such control over a large person. What is it that makes grandparents pushovers?
- I just saw the commercial for Baconalia--baconada--bacon what ever at Denny's. There is something wrong with the thought of Bacon on a sundae. This is love of bacon taken too far. I like chopped peanuts on a sundae, but crumbled Bacon? Oh no, that is messed up. Oh so wrong. Yuck! What is it with Denny's and the crazy food? Eggs on burgers, bacon on a sundae--what do they want breakfast to just take over? Stop the madness!
- They are threatening snow again tomorrow. I'm hoping for just rain. We will probably end up with a combination of both. But on the brighter side next weekend is supposed to be as nice as last weekend. I'm hoping to get the inside of the cars detailed. I like to do it in the spring--makes summer trips that much nicer. Time to haul out the vacuum and the Armour All and paper towels and have at it.
- I might go shopping with my mom on Saturday too. I want some keen sandals and Mom is just looking for hiking shoes/trail shoes. I also want to hit the used book store. Love
cheapused books. - I'm so looking forward to Memorial Day weekend, we are celebrating Turbo's birthday and going somewhere fun for the weekend--the countdown is on.

Monday, May 9, 2011
Spring is here!
We got our first nice weekend since last fall. Temps in the high 60s, low 70s and sunshine with just a breeze. It was beautiful. We ran away to go camping. We just couldn't stay home. I have to admit, it was nice. We went to a local state park and a good time was had by all.
The grandparents came up to have breakfast with us Sunday morning. the boys got to fish, throw rocks in the lake, and get quite dirty. Overall it was a great weekend.
See for yourself:
So I had a great weekend. Thanks to all my guys. Mom may be tired, but she sure loves all of you and thanks for making the weekend fun for all of us.
The grandparents came up to have breakfast with us Sunday morning. the boys got to fish, throw rocks in the lake, and get quite dirty. Overall it was a great weekend.
See for yourself:
Lake + Rocks = Good times! |
Turbo snapping pictures. |
Daddy makes a great carrier. |
The guys--even if Turbo almost made it out of the picture. |
So independant. |
Friday, May 6, 2011
Confessional Friday
So let's see what I have to confess this week.
- I'm almost giddy.
- The weather has been nice for a couple of days now.
- Shhh, don't tell Mother Nature--she might forget her meds again.
- I've been having urges to scrapbook.
- I'm kind of letting them grow, the stronger the urge, the more I'll want to do it.
- I had a bad day on Monday--everything irritated me--the boys having fun, making dinner, just being seemed irritating.
- I got through it, but I just wanted to snap at everyone.
- I needed the night out Wednesday night--even if it was just for a drink.
- I have been sucked into a game on Facebook.
- I have resisted most of the game crazes there--Farmville didn't do it for me, neither did Mafia Wars or any of the other ones I got invites to play.
- Then I found Gardens of Time.
- Hidden object type games are my weakness.
- I really don't have time for this, but it is so fun.
- I refuse to spend money playing it though.
- I got to indulge my 80s love by watching Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
- These confessions are boring.
- Things have been boring around here recently.
- Maybe next week will be better.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Sharks, Dracula and Zombies, Oh My!
What scared you as a kid? For me it was watching the old black and white version of Dracula when I was five. It made quite the impression on me. For months after I saw it I was scared to have my windows open in my room. I didn't say anything about my fear, but I was just sure that Dracula was going to come in my open window that summer and get me.
Nick watched Jaws when he was about six and was scared to swim for the following summer. Even if the only place to swim was a local land locked lake. Nick was positive that Jaws was out there and going to get him. Like many people after that movie came out. Although most of them wouldn't go in the ocean, not a lake. Hey he was only six.
Nick and I made a mistake Easter weekend. We let Turbo play a violent Zombie game at a friend's house. It was pretty graphic and while we thought Turbo could handle it, later that night we ended up with a scared seven year old in our bed. And for several nights after that Turbo would wake up after having nightmares.
We did not know what to do--I couldn't set up camp in Turbo's room and we could not get him past the fear and the graphic images that seemed burned in his brain. Then, after looking at a couple of sites online about how to help kids get over nightmares I came up with a plan.
I sat down with Turbo and told him he needed to think about the zombies he saw a bit differently. When ever the images started to scare him, he needed to think about the zombies in a funny or silly way--imagine them being attacked by kittens, see them with clown noses and big feet. Imagine they were stuck in glue and couldn't move. Anything that would make them silly, not scary. And anything that would give him control over them, instead of the images controlling him. He has not had a nightmare since.
Now I just need to remember this technique when Bruiser has his first nightmare.
I think this qualifies as both a Not-so-proud mommy moment--for letting him play the game in the first place--and a Proud Mommy Moment for figuring out a way for him (and me) to sleep again.

Go link up your own proud (or not so proud) mommy moment with Kmama or Emmy Mom.
Nick watched Jaws when he was about six and was scared to swim for the following summer. Even if the only place to swim was a local land locked lake. Nick was positive that Jaws was out there and going to get him. Like many people after that movie came out. Although most of them wouldn't go in the ocean, not a lake. Hey he was only six.
Nick and I made a mistake Easter weekend. We let Turbo play a violent Zombie game at a friend's house. It was pretty graphic and while we thought Turbo could handle it, later that night we ended up with a scared seven year old in our bed. And for several nights after that Turbo would wake up after having nightmares.
We did not know what to do--I couldn't set up camp in Turbo's room and we could not get him past the fear and the graphic images that seemed burned in his brain. Then, after looking at a couple of sites online about how to help kids get over nightmares I came up with a plan.
I sat down with Turbo and told him he needed to think about the zombies he saw a bit differently. When ever the images started to scare him, he needed to think about the zombies in a funny or silly way--imagine them being attacked by kittens, see them with clown noses and big feet. Imagine they were stuck in glue and couldn't move. Anything that would make them silly, not scary. And anything that would give him control over them, instead of the images controlling him. He has not had a nightmare since.
Now I just need to remember this technique when Bruiser has his first nightmare.
I think this qualifies as both a Not-so-proud mommy moment--for letting him play the game in the first place--and a Proud Mommy Moment for figuring out a way for him (and me) to sleep again.
Go link up your own proud (or not so proud) mommy moment with Kmama or Emmy Mom.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
We Want To Know--#3
So, Wednesday--check.
Button from Mamarazzi

Questions, this week from Impulsive Addict. Check:
These lovely questions have been brought to you by:
Impulsive Addict, Janette, Mamarazzi and Seriously Shawn .
Button from Mamarazzi
Questions, this week from Impulsive Addict. Check:
- If money didn't matter, where would your perfect vacation take place? Briefly describe. The best vacation I've been on so far was the one we took to Clearwater Beach and Disney World in Florida. We had the fun of the beach for 5 days and then got to take Turbo to the land of the Mouse. Overall it was wonderful. I think I'd go back there with both boys this time. Time to relax on the beach then go have a blast at Disney World. The best of both world for kids and parents.
- What's a bad habit that you have (or had) that is/was hard to break? I have yet to break the habit of twisting and tying knots in my hair. It's a nervous habit I've had since I can remember. What's funny is that Bruiser plays with his hair too when he's tired or upset.
- If you weren't on a diet or counting calories, what would you like to have for dinner tonight? No diet here, just watching the salt intake. I would have lobster and a medium rare steak. A baked potato with sour cream and butter and a streamed artichoke with balsamic vinegar to dip it in. For dessert a slice of cheesecake with strawberries. Shoot, now I'm hungry.
- If you had the chance to interview anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and what's one question that you would ask? I would probably ask my father why he felt it was necessary to kill himself when I was a baby. I would want to know about him and who he was.
- Describe yourself in 6 words. Wife, Mom, friend, fun loving, determined, dependable
These lovely questions have been brought to you by:
Impulsive Addict, Janette, Mamarazzi and Seriously Shawn .
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
May Vlog--I Did It Again
OK. Time for the may Vlog link up with Mamarazzi and Shawn.

I recorded one again. And again there is background noise because Bruiser couldn't leave Mommy alone. It's not that bad.
Questions were provided by Emmy Mom and Mamarazzi and Shawn. Beth from Living the Goddess life wanted to know what was in our purse. And this time I got all of the stuff on the video, even the show and tell.
So without further ado:
I recorded one again. And again there is background noise because Bruiser couldn't leave Mommy alone. It's not that bad.
Questions were provided by Emmy Mom and Mamarazzi and Shawn. Beth from Living the Goddess life wanted to know what was in our purse. And this time I got all of the stuff on the video, even the show and tell.
So without further ado:
I have to say sorry again for the Bruiser background noise. Life happens.
Random Tuesday
And there is so much to be random about this week.
- So they got Osama. This is a good thing--I guess they could find him. Now we need to see what will happen next.
- Bruiser loves to see kitties on the computer. We spend a lot of time looking at LOLCats and Stumbling for cats. It makes him happy and it's easy, plus I get to snuggle with him.
- I have to admit that I did not watch the royal wedding, but I did go look at pictures. Those were some hats worn by the royal cousins.
- With any luck, we will get out of town this weekend and go camping. Although since I said that we will be getting snow now. Not that we haven't been having snow just about daily for the last couple of weeks anyway.
- So I won that subscription to Emealz. We are liking it--the meals are easy to put together and quite tasty. It's saving us some money and lots of time. I don't have to ask what do you want for dinner, which used to be a daily thing. I only have a three month subscription, so I'll have to see if it's worth continuing, or if I think I can take what I've learned and actually plan meals for us. I'm not sure I can be that organized. I do like knowing what we are having for dinner. I think some time with Excel might be in order, for both a grocery list and meal planning page.
- I've been feeling really blah lately, blah and irritable. I blame the weather. We have had snow, yes snow, every day for the last week and a half. And if it's not snowing or raining (or a combination of both) the wind is blowing so hard you can't be outside. Spring, what is this spring you speak of?
So that covers my random, go see Stacy, who is holding up the random banner until Keely takes it back.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Things I Love to Hear...
...but they could get old really quickly:
Other Bruiserisms:
Turbo has his own set of terms and sayings that I love to hear but at the same time can make me cringe. Kids have a special knack at making parents do both at the same time.
- I pooped. For obvious reasons this is met with mixed feelings. The problem really stems from the fact that a skid mark will result in this being said as much as a full diaper. I guess it is a bit better than stubborn denial of a full diaper and a stink that would stop a Zombie in his tracks. Lord that kid can stink!
- I need help! This one comes from Bruiser when ever he runs into something he can't do or he gets stuck. Like Saturday night. I heard him saying this and then saw him in the kitchen looking like this:
He can get the pants down, but not off. |
Other Bruiserisms:
- I do it. This leads to disasters if not monitored closely.
- I want it. If the want is not granted this will usually be followed by crying.
- Bouncy ball! This is applied to any ball that can be thrown. Bruiser loves them all.
- Play soccer! You really have to watch when he says this one or you could get beaned on the shins by a surprisingly well kicked ball.
- Brover! Bruiser loves his brother and calls Turbo Brover. Brover play game, brover's room, go see brover (where ever brother is) are all things Bruiser will say about his beloved brover.
- Go see Daddy! This one is often said when he thinks Daddy will give in and let him do what Mommy won't. Has yet to figure out that this doesn't usually work as Mom and Dad do talk to each other.
Turbo has his own set of terms and sayings that I love to hear but at the same time can make me cringe. Kids have a special knack at making parents do both at the same time.
- "Bruiser lets do it this way..." Unfortunately this often morphs into "No don't touch that! Mom! Bruiser's in my room!"
- What's for Dinner? Often morphs into eww I don't like that!
- What are we watching? Again morphs into I don't want to watch that!
- Can I play video games? Either Yess! or Shoot! depending on a positive response or negative response.
- Mom can I go out to play? leads to No, I don't want to come in! This one comes from both boys. Coming inside is torture of the most exquisite form for little boys. It ranks right up there with the special torture of going to bed when it is light out in the summer.
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