Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Random Tuesday

So.  Tuesday.  Can't say it my favorite day of the week, but it's not Monday so it ahs that going for it.  It also has Random Tuesday Thoughts with Stacy.  Always nice to get random:
  • I saw this on Facebook the other day:
  • Yeah, this could apply to dishes and laundry too.
  • I got a Kindle Fire HD over the weekend.  Bruiser likes it almost as much as I do. It's handy to have around.  I need to explore it more, but I like it so far.  I will still do most of my reading from my Kindle Touch, but the Fire is nice.
  • I am out of ideas for Bruiser and potty training.  He goes pee just fine.  Pooping, not so much.  I don't know what to do.  He goes to preschool this fall.  Maybe that will help. One day I'll look back on this and it will be an interesting story.  Going through it is frustrating, aggravating, stinky, and no fun for all involved.
  • I don't do caffeine all that often, but there are days when it holds a certain appeal.  Today was one of those days.
  • We are ridiculously excited over the season premier of Mythbusters.  This is their 10th year on the air.  Kind of amazing for a cable science show.  This is one show that we all enjoy and get a lot out of.  Check it out Wednesday on the Discover Channel.
  • Just when we get some relief from the cabin fever another storm rolls in.  We have 3-7 inches of snow predicted for tonight. The only good thing is that it won't last long this time of year and we really need the moisture.  Still, it could rain and it wouldn't hurt my feelings all that much.
  • Ten years ago today I was uncomfortably pregnant with Turbo.  His birthday is the end of May.  I was looking at two more weeks of work then time home for about 3-4 weeks of waiting for him to show.  Time sure does fly.  I need to stop blinking.  I feel like I'm missing so much when I do.

That's all the random my brain can come up with this week.  Go see Stacy for more.

And join up with Shawn and Impulsive for Talk To Us Tuesday. no rules, just fun link up.
Seriously Shawn

Monday, April 29, 2013

We So Needed That

I think I'm ready for Monday.  We had a really nice weekend and we really needed a weekend that felt like a weekend.
Friday evening we got home and it was nice out--like 65F in our backyard.  We went out and enjoyed it.  Turbo claimed to be bored.  We gave him a gardening job to do.
Cleaning leaves out of the backyard gardens.

Then Bruiser had to have a job to do too.
Washing off the table.

It was so nice we even had dinner outside on the deck--our first for the year.
Chinese Take out, out.

Turbo loves Lo Mein.
Saturday morning, after having breakfast we dropped the boys off with Papa and Nana and headed out to Ft. Collins, CO.  It's about an hour away.  We did some shopping--I got a Kindle Fire HD and then the hunt was on for a traditional Archery bow for Nick.  He has a very nice compound bow, but needed a newer, better sized for him, recurve or long bow.  We hit three stores before he found one he wanted.  In the process we found a great archery shop and we will definitely be back there for the supplies we need.  The archery shop we had in town closed last year.
Saturday afternoon we went and hung out with our cousins for a bit, and then home to watch some movies.  All in all a wonderful Saturday.
Sunday started out with Nick and Turbo going to the archery range and shooting.  When they got home, I headed out to get the grocery shopping done.  After that, Nick brewed up a batch of beer, I played with my Kindle and the kids played some video games. Nick had his traditional league Sunday evening but he got done with that fairly early and we watched another movie after he got home.
it was a wonderful weekend. The weather was in the 60s all weekend, only light wind, a few clouds but nothing fell out of them.  We couldn't have asked for anything better.  It's supposed to go all the pot on Tuesday, but the weekend was lovely.
After all that, I got up and ran a half mile this morning.  First time I have run since October. It didn't feel as bad as I thought it would.  I'm not as out of shape as I thought I would be.
Now on to talk to Turbo's class about geology. They have studied it and now, since we are geologists  they wanted us to come talk to them about it.  We figure we will let the kids ask questions and go from there. It should be interesting to say the least.

So how was your weekend?  Hopefully it was nice, or at least interesting. Now to face the week. The presentation is looming.

Friday, April 26, 2013

I Must Confess...

...I'm really happy it's Friday!  Just have to get to going home time. But first let's get to the confessions:

  • Bruiser has moved on to Holy Chicken. 
  • Better than Holy S**t.
  • Still makes me giggle.
  • I am ridiculously excited about getting out of town this weekend with my hubby.
  • The weather has been nice here.
  • It won't last.
  • There will be more snow.
  • We have been outside enjoying the nice weather while it lasts.
  • It's almost time to get my pedicure on.
  • Sometime in May I'll be able to show off the toes again.
  • I think next week I might start running again.
  • Weather permitting of course.
  • I love my boys dearly, but it's definitely time to miss them some.
  • As in Nick and I need time away.
  • I'm getting more and more nervous about the workshop presentation I have to give a week from Monday.
  • My presentation slides are almost done.
  • I still hate presenting.
  • Now to see what fun I can have this weekned.
Are you doing anything fun this weekend?  Do you need to confess?  Link up with Aubrey and confess it all.

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Spin Cycle--Of Apples and Trees

The Spin Cycle this week is all about Apples and the trees they don't fall far from.  Are you like your Mother?  Your Father?  Do you see yourself in your kids?
I really don't think I'm all that much like my mother.  Growing up I was told I looked like my father, but since he died when I was a baby, I have no real knowledge of what he was like.  But I can look at my boys and see both myself and Nick in them every day.
Turbo looks like me.  He has Nick's outgoing personality--every one is a potential friend. Turbo has Nick's hands.  He got my ears.  He got Nick's ability to wiggle his ears. He enjoys the extras on DVDs like I do. Turbo walks and talks in his sleep like Nick does on occasion. Turbo loves to build--kits and models and Legos. I love to build models--following directions to get a cool end result is fun.

And then we have Bruiser.  He looks like Nick. He twists his hair like I do. He is a bit shy is social situations, until he's comfortable, much like I am.  Bruiser talks in his sleep, again like Nick. Bruisr loves to do anything with tools and loves to draw, which makes Nick's day as he has always been very much about art and building things.

Bruiser's smile is just like his daddy's.
The horn of hair is where he twists.

The Apples in our house definitely didn't fall far from the tree.
It truly is interesting to see how the genetics play out in your kids.
Go see Gretchen for more Apple/Tree spins.
Second Blooming

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

WWTK--Every Morning...

It's Wednesday.  Half way through the week.  It's a downhill slide to the weekend.  It's also time for We Want to Know.  This week we are checking out morning routines and shopping.  I love shopping.  Morning routines would be far better if they happened later in the day.

1. What does your morning routine look like? I get up between 5:30 and 6:00am. Shower, dress, hair, and a bit of time for me on the computer or reading.  Or I do dishes if I don't do them the night before.  At 6:45 I get the rest of the guys up in the house so we can get on with the day. We are usually out of the house by 7:20ish so we can find parking. We drop Turbo off at a friend's house--she drops him and her son off at school.
2. How long does it take you to get ready for the day? From the time I hit the shower to having my hair finished, about 20-25 minutes.  Another ten if I wear makeup.  I truly am a low maintenance girl.
3. If you could wear one thing every day what would it be? A nice shirt, a comfortable but nice pair of jeans and cute shoes.  Pretty much what I wear now to work.
4. Are you a girly girl or more of a tomboy? I tend more toward the tomboy, but can fake girly girl if needed. With boys in the house, being the tomboy is easier.
5. Where is your go to place to shop? I really don't have a go to store.  I shop where there are sales. I can rock the thrift store too.

Now go see what the hosts morning routines are by visiting Kensie and Scriptor.

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Random Thoughts-Spring is Never Coming

Hello from the land of cold and snow!  Not a lot of snow, but it is still falling from the sky.  I should be used to spring arriving late, but this year the snow we are getting is coming with winter like temps.  It was 12 degrees this morning. That's just cold.
Anytemps, on to the random:

  • Bruiser is healing up well from his surgery.  Giving him two baths a day to aid in that is kind of a pain when we have to be out of the house early.  Thank goodness that we only have to do that until tomorrow.  once it's all healed up it on to the rest of potty training.  Yes, we are still fighting that battle.
  • I hate spring weather changes.  They bring me migraines.  I'd love to be able to remove the side of my head that hurts and come get it later when it feels better.
  • We sat at the table yesterday and played Clue, all four of us.  It was nice until the third game and Bruiser threw a fit when he didn't win.  We do modify the rules when playing with him, but, at four, he's still in the I wanna win stage.
  • Legos take over the house.
  • I need more chocolate.
  • I so need a sunny day to go for a drive.  Just to be able to go look at nature--get out in it and feel the sun again.  Mother nature is not feeling generous right now.  Instead we are redoing January/February.  Wish mother nature had gotten it right the first time.
  • Do you ever get hit by a craving for snack food--chips, crackers, nummy munchies?  They are so bad for me, but taste so very good.  Even Bruiser asks for crunchy snacks. Yum, chips.
  • I truly think cabin fever has hit us hard.  We are all a bit snappy. Come on weather, give us something nice for a change.

That's all the random my brain can come up with this week.  Go see Stacy for more.

And join up with Shawn and Impulsive for Talk To Us Tuesday. no rules, just fun link up.
Seriously Shawn

Monday, April 22, 2013

Another Blah Weekend

This last weekend was nothing spectacular.  General domestic stuff, laundry. groceries, and hanging out with my kiddos. We are all feeling better, but I'm still tired.  That comes with being a mom though, I think.
Friday night we watched TV, had dinner, and then zoned.  Nothing exciting, so much so that I can't really remember what we watched.
Saturday I grocery shopped and then took the boys for a haircut.  Bruiser got the short little boy cut, but Turbo just wanted his hair trimmed for now.  We will see if he gets a buzz cut for summer.  We then returned the video game we had rented and got a new one for Turbo to play.  Since the weather has been less than conducive to going outside, playing video games is still a decent way to pass the weekend.
Nick headed into work for a bit and by Saturday evening we were all ready for a family movie night.  We watched Ice Age: Continental Drift and Hotel Transylvania.  Both were fun and just right for the boys.
Sunday morning, Nick took Turbo to the archery range for some practice shooting.  They had fun shooting and videoing with special effects. The rest of Sunday was spent vegging out.  I did finish the laundry--even the towels are folded and put away.  I have sheets to wash and I should do a load of Bruiser's clothes, but those are easy to do during the evening.
The one thing that we noticed this weekend was Bruiser and the new phrase he has picked up.  I was showing him his messy hair Saturday morning and he looked in the mirror and said"Holy shit!" I immediately told him he wasn't supposed to use that while I giggled hysterically on the inside.
He used the phrase a couple more times this weekend and the last time we really came down on him.  We definitely need to stop this cold, even if it's so cute that he uses it so correctly. Any one got any great alternatives we could offer him to use, some that don't involve a four year old using inappropriate language? No?  Just as well.  He's a stubborn little stinker and probably wouldn't like an alternative he doesn't come up with.

So all in all a nothing to exclaim over weekend.  And to top it all off, it's snowing here this morning.  3-5 inches predicted by tomorrow morning. We shall see what we get.

How was your weeknd?  More fun that mine?  Not that that's hard to do...

Friday, April 19, 2013

Time For Confessions

It is a very appreciated Friday around these parts.  Not that I worked very hard this last week. I made it in for two of the five days. Colds will kick you when you're down. Anyway on to the confessions:

  • Watching a kid play Minecraft is incredibly boring.
  • Have you ever gone out to start your car so it could warm up and then spent 20 minutes looking for the keys so you could leave?
  • No, never?
  • My mom did that yesterday.
  • It's almost as good as looking for the sunglasses that are perched on top of your head.
  • I think I want a Kindle Fire HD.
  • Eventually.
  • Maybe my birthday.
  • Nick and I need some adult time away from the kids.
  • We have been sort of kid trapped for a while now.
  • Maybe we need to run away.
  • I am starting to stress about a workshop I have to present at in May.
  • The beginning of May.
  • Like in threeish weeks.
  • It's the same talk I gave in January.
  • With a bit of added material.
  • Not exactly thrilled about it.
  • On the plus side it is a couple of nights away from the kids with Nick.
  • He's presenting too.
  • And work is paying.
  • But still, a presentation.
  • Blech!
So hope you have a great weekend.  Mine will be filled with laundry, little boy haircuts, grocery shopping, and maybe a bit of reading. May your weekend be more fun than mine.

Go link up with Aubrey for more confessions.

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Spin Cycle--Quotes

The Spin Cycle this week is about quotes. Quotes you use, quotes that mean something to you, your own quotes.  Whatever direction you want to take it. I did a post for the Spin Cycle about quotes a couple years ago--Quotable Quotes.
In that post I talked about my favorite quote and about how quotes are woven into our daily conversations. Today I thought I'd share some of our favorite movie quotes.

"Back off man, I'm a scientist" said by Bill Murray in Ghostbusters.  Nick uses this one all the time. It's one of his favorites. A fun way to nod at the geologist in both of us.

"Wait! Where are you going? I was going to make Expresso..." From Young Frankenstein.  We love this movie for it's silliness. We also like "Roll, roll, roll in the hay!"

"I smell ice cream." Said by Chunk in The Goonies.  We use this one a lot in the summer when Ice Cream is a wonderful, necessary treat.  We use other quotes from this movie too.  Bootie trap, no boobie trap, "kids suck" from Mama Fratelli. This one is used after a particularly trying day.

"Snakes.  Why'd it have to be snakes?" from Raider of the Lost Ark.  All the Indiana Jones movies get quoted frequently.  It didn't hurt to cement this movie set as one of our favorites when Nick got dubbed Dr. Jones while he was going through the Geology Department. We also use "It's not the years, it's the mileage." This is so true.

"Don't drive angry. Don't drive Angry!" from Groundhog Day.  Since this is Nick and my movie (much the way most people have a song) we watch this annually.

"Aquaman Sucks!" and "Bazinga" from Big Bang Theory.  We also use other quotes from this show when they fit the circumstances. Turbo used the "You forgot your flash drive, you forget your flash drive" when we got on the train last summer.

"Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday." From the classic The Princess Bride. This movie is so very quotable.

"I always wanted to marry a cop." from Robin Hood: Men in Tights.  Turbo loves this movie. "Tight Tights." gets him every time.

There are other lines that we use--usually when the situation presents itself.  But sitting here, trying to think of them, well they all fly away.  Do you use movie quotes?  Do you have a favorite quote?  Spin it up and share with Gretchen.
Second Blooming

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

WWTK--Would You Rather...Edition

It's Wednesday, at least I'm told it is. I've been out of it for a few days.  I'm going with it.  We Want to Know Wednesday is a Would you Rather run of questions.

1.) Would you rather… go out to eat or make a nice meal at home? It depends on what we are having. Somethings are better at home--especially since our restaurant options are somewhat limited.

2.) Would you rather… drive or fly? Again it depends on where we are going.  Florida demands flying, South Dakota demands driving.  Truthfully, driving doesn't bother me.  I love a good road trip. Flying, though, for us usually means a beach and beaches are very nice, especially with cabana boys and fruity rum drinks.

3.) Would you rather… go to a sporting event or watch it on TV? Um, watch on TV.  Not a huge sports fan, so watching from home means I can do other stuff while the sports are on TV.

4.) Would you rather… read a book or watch TV? Given time, read a book.  But a good movie does provide nice family time.  When I read I tune out so it's not really conducive to family time.

5.) Would you rather… go to bed early or sleep in late? I would rather sleep until I wake up on my own.  I tend to go to sleep later and wake up early out of necessity. Sleeping later would be nice, but since
I am the alarm clock, I get up early.

Now go see what the other linkers chose by visiting Kensie and Scriptor.

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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Random ish Tuesday--Where Did Spring Depart To?

So once again I come to you from the land of snow and wind.  Spring usually comes slowly, but we've gotten more snow in the last month or so than we did all winter. And these are not the usual Spring snows.  Normal spring snows fall wet and melt quickly.  The ones we have been getting are cold and not so fun to play in.  They do melt off, but it isn't getting really warm in between them. Well on to the random:

  • It was really unreal to see the news about what happened in Boston.  I've been sort of disconnected due to the nasty head cold I'm stuck with. I first heard about something happening in Boston on Facebook of all places. I had to go find the news to find out what had happened.
  • Hot tea is really good when you're sick. It's good other times, but feels really nice and comforting when I'm sick.
  • Being sick really throws off the meal planning.
  • I'm thinking about getting a new purse.  The hunt is on.  I hate looking for a purse.  It sort of a I'll know it when I see it kind of thing. I want a bigger purse, with room to carry the stuff a mom needs to carry and a strap that goes cross body. I have one that is the right size, but has a flap that covers it from the front.  It's a pain to get into. So I'm looking.
  • Kid TV can be mind sucking.
  • Turbo really wanted to stay home today.  With the wind, snow and such, going to school held very little appeal.  But, there's just not enough snow to justify keeping him home, so off he went, under strong protest.
  • Bruiser has been feeling better and better.  He still sensitive in the area of the surgery, but that's to be expected.  Tomorrow the dressing comes off and we start twice a day salt baths for the next week. Fun times.
That's all the random my brain can come up with this week.  Go see Stacy for more.

And join up with Shawn and Impulsive for Talk To Us Tuesday. no rules, just fun link up.
Seriously Shawn

Monday, April 15, 2013

Well That was a Bust

This past weekend was really not a weekend.  We were in Denver on Friday for Bruiser's procedure, which went very well.  He's sore but healing.  We got back and settled in to let him get better. The down side is I finally sucumbed to the cold that has been making the rounds at our house.
Saturday, even though I was sick, I still made it out grocery shopping.  That was the last time I left the house all weekend.  Nick has gotten to take care of both Bruiser and I. It really has been pretty dull around here.
In other news we are getting more snow.  There's an inch and a half on the ground and more is predicted to fall.  We will see what we get.  The last storm was so anti climactic for us that we hesitate to believe the weather people with this one.
Not much of a post today, but I'm really foggy with this cold.  I'm home with Bruiser, who feels better than I do at the moment, and we will be making sure the couch doesn't run away.

Hopefully your weekend was better than ours.  Don't hang out here too long, you don't want to catch the cold we have.

Friday, April 12, 2013


So it's Friday. I can honestly say I'm not thrilled with this one. Tonight will be better. Now on to the confessions:
  • I thinking about a tattoo. 
  • Just the boys names around my ankle.
  • I'm letting the thought stew in my mind.  
  • It really appeals to me.
  • Bruiser is having his procedure today.
  • It was tough to leave him so they could do what needs to be done.
  • But he came through with no troubles.
and that covers my confessions. since im posting from my phone, linking up will come later.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Spin Cycle--Inspire Me

Inspiration is the topic for this week's Spin Cycle. What inspires you?  Love, kids, the desire for a clean house?
I get inspiration from lots of places for lots of things.
My boys:

My hubby:
For relaxation and recreation:

Getting out and enjoying the lovely scenery that we have around us.

My kitchen inspires me to cook--it's nice when the space is pleasant and easy to work in.

What inspires you?  Inspiration comes from so many places. Go share your inspiration with Gretchen.
Second Blooming

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

WWTK--Where I Live

Wednesday people--that means We Want to Know with Kensie and Scriptor.

1. Where you born and raised in the town you live in, or did you move to that town? No.  I was born in Hollywood Florida, lived in Missouri and California then moved to a small town in Wyoming.  I came to Laramie, Wyoming to go to college, met Nick and we stayed.
2. What is your favorite thing about the town you live in? Our town is big enough that you don't know everyone, small enough to be nice and close enough to the big cities for a visit for shopping and such.  We are also close to the mountains and wonderful outdoor activity areas.
3. Are there any special annual events there? We have Jubilee Days in the summer--rodeo, street dances and such, and over Labor Days we have the Snowy Range Music Festival.
4. What don't you like about your town? We have the only four year university in the state in our town.  With that comes the students and tons of rentals.  It's the rentals that I don't like. We have some right next door.  Sometimes the renters are good, mostly though, they are less than good.
5. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Probably right where I am. Anyplace has it's good points and bad points.  I know the issues we have here. But better the devil I know than the devil I don't.

Now grab the questions from  Scriptor and Kensie and join in the fun.

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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spring? What is this Spring You Speak of?

OK, so it's Tuesday. And it's snowing. Yes, spring is delayed in these parts.  See:
View from work.

So that's what we woke up to this morning. Not exactly bunnies and sunshine is it?
Now on to the random:

  • It is rather fun to watch the harry Potter movies as a marathon.
  • As a matter of course, boys tend to rough house a lot. It's tough on the furniture.
  • I'm so ready to get my hair trimmed.  I'm trying to grow it out some--longer than shoulder length but not nearly as long as it was before I had Turbo.  It was almost waist length then.  Of course, next week just before I go get it trimmed, it will look awesome.  Right now it looks less than awesome.
  • I've been experimenting with makeup.  It's going OK, but I now remember the part I don't like about it.  It's a total pain to wash it off every night. I'm kind of lazy and don't tend to wash my face at night.  I usually do it in the shower in the morning.  With makeup, I can't wait until morning. It's a pain, but on the plus side, I found a foundation that looks good with my skin tone. Now for a good lipstick or tinted lipbalm...
  • Have you ever gotten a yen for something, but can't find it anywhere?  I really want some cute black boots.  Not tall ones, ankle boots.  However it is totally the wrong season to be looking for black boots.  It's all sandals now.  Sandals do me no good currently.  Patience is not my strong point. Next fall the hunt is on.
  • Nick has been sick.  Bruiser was generous with his germs.  Poor Nick is currently a hacking, coughing, mess.  
  • The end of the week we have to take Bruiser in for a procedure.  He has to be put under general sedation and everything.  I'm a bit nervous.  The waiting will be the hardest part. Think about us Friday morning.
  • And the random this week seems to be rather me centered.  Eh, that's the way it works sometimes.
And there you have my random.  Go see Stacy for more.
And join up with Shawn and Impulsive for Talk To Us Tuesday. no rules, just fun link up.
Seriously Shawn

Monday, April 8, 2013

What a Lovely Weekend

So this last weekend was interesting.  Parts were fun, parts were less than fun.  And now the weather has gone all to pot to boot.
Friday evening we relaxed and enjoyed a bit of wine and I started laundry. Dinner was late but we had a yummy beef lo mein homemade.  It was a hit with 75% of the people in the house.
Saturday morning Nick woke up with a head cold.  Bruiser kindly shared what he had last week.  I still got to go shopping and a friend came over and helped Nick ride herd on the kids. We did get an extra kid because our cousin's daughter had a sleepover with five little girls and T had a better time sleeping over here.
Shopping was fun--exhausting, but fun.  I hadn't been shopping with this friend before and I had not realized that shopping was such an event.  She takes her shopping seriously.  It was fun because there were lots of clearance sales, really good sales.  I like getting stuff for way less than the original price.
Sunday dawned rather earlier than I wanted it to. Bruiser was up at 6:30am.  Insomnia had come to visit in the middle of the night, so I was really not ready to get up, but up I was. I fed the boys breakfast, and then went and got Nick McDs sausage muffins.  He spent most of the day on the couch resting and trying to get better.
I spent the day finishing laundry and trying to keep up with the dishes. I am amazed at how the dishes multiply. I swear that I get them all done only to turn around and find half a sink full again.  It's like some kind of irksome magic. I did get a nice nap though.
This morning came all too early.  Nick is still sick and Bruiser was a crying mess at daycare drop off.  Get that kid off schedule and it all goes to pot.  He'll be better tomorrow.
ANd as for the weather, well we have a 70% chance of snow/rain today, 100% chance of snow tonight, and 90% tomorrow.  From 9 to 14 inches in town.  This could be interesting, if it does what the weathermen say it will. I must admit, I have my doubts.  Who knows, tomorrow I might have snow pictures to share.  These poor flowers dont stand a chance.
How is your Monday going?  Was your weekend good, bad or indifferent?

Friday, April 5, 2013

Confess, I Should

So it's Friday and time for Friday Confessions.  Woo hoo!  I thought Friday would never come.  It's been a  long week.

  • I have picked up a posting troll.
  • Or is it a spammer?
  • All I know is someone is hitting old posts with spammy comments.
  • About herbal supplements for improving testosterone in men.
  • Yeah, like I need to improve the testosterone in the house.
  • Can you block someone from posting comments?
  • It's getting a little annoying.
  • And this person is only hitting old posts.
  • Does this mean I've arrived as a blogger?
  • In other confessions, I get to go shopping with other girls this weekend.
  • I only know one of them.
  • But it should be fun.
  • It's shopping after all.
  • And I'm not going with my mother.
  • This does mean that I need to fit laundry in around the rest of the weekend.
  • And I have to grocery shop tonight.
  • All things I'd usually do on Saturday.
  • I'm pretty sure it's worth it.
  • Bruiser is better.
  • I'm hoping that my mom will take him outside today.
  • He needs some fresh air.
  • And if the weather people are right, we will be getting snow next week.
  • This is why the bugs don't get big here.
  • If I keep reminding myself of this it's easier to deal with the snow.
Go join up with your confessions with Aubrey at High-Heeled Love.
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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spin Cycle--Spring hasn't Sprung Yet

So Gretchen is all aobut spring for the Spin Cycle this week.  She claims it's been spring for a while now.  I got a taste of it when I was out there a couple weeks ago.  It was nice to see green and flowers and leaves on the trees. Here it is decidedly not so green.  We do have indications that spring is coming:
The tulips are trying.

There are some very brave flowers trying to prove that spring is coming:

But the trees and bushes won't have leaves for another month.

The grass is starting to green up but there will be more snow this year. It's inevitable.
And that is what spring looks like around here right now.  There is a promise, but Spring won't really spring for another couple of weeks to a month or more.  The trees will get leaves in May.  The cherry trees and apple trees will bloom the end of April, beginning of May.  Spring is slow to come here.

Now go see Gretchen for better looks at spring.  It's still a bit depressing around here.
Second Blooming


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