Thursday, May 26, 2011

Turbo (Who's 8 Now--8!!!!!!!11!!!)

So yesterday was Turbo's Birthday.  He turned 8.  How did that happen?  He was three just yesterday!  Really.  OK, so He has been growing and all that since we brought him home, but it really does not seem like eight years ago that we brought him home.  Of course we got to meet him two weeks earlier than planned.  Turbo was in a hurry from day one.
9 Months and going places.

18 Months and full of the devil.

3 and still devilish.

You mean I'm supposed to be having fun in the rain?  (4 here)
First time on a beach--5 and loving Clearwater FL.

Such a proud big brother (let the idolization begin).

All my guys--Turbo is six here.
Seven and you know, that devil is still there.
 So that's how he has grown.  Here's what we did for his birthday--part 1.  Yea the kid gets a two part birthday this year.  The second part will happen this weekend.  But on his really real birthday he got to do some of this:
Getting the cool stuff.

Happy Birthday!

Playing with the frosting

Turbo got frosted!
 So all in all he had a great day.  He got a new bike (that he will learn to ride this summer), he got Lego Pirates of the Caribbean, a K'Nex set and some more Magic Tree House books on CD.  Oh and some magnet spheres to play with.  Kid did pretty good really.
Happy Birthday Turbo, I'm proud of you and how much you've grown up this last year.  Keep on being you!

I'm linking this with KMama's Proud Mommy Moments--because I'm so darn proud of Turbo.


  1. its amazing how much they change in a years time isnt it. Happy birthday Turbo :D

  2. Wow, 8. That seems so far away, but the pictures make it seem like seconds, huh? He looks like such a big boy in the last two years.

  3. Happy Birthday to your guy! Love that you say full of the devil-hehe too funny... but often so true with kids :)
    Love the proud big brother picture-that smile, so cute.
    Thanks so much for linking up!

  4. Great proud mommy post! Hard not to love Clearwater. Now I feel nostalgic. Happy birthday Turbo!

  5. Happy birthday to Turbo. how are you not crying? I will so cry when Buddy turns 8. 8 just seems so old. *sob*

    Thank you for linking up!!

  6. He reminds me so much of my Jonathan with those devilish grins. Jonathanis only 4 and I'll be so weepy when he is that age!!

  7. Wonderful! Looks like a happy birthday boy to me! Happy birthday, Turbo!

  8. Happy Birthday Turbo! I love that he and Jude were born so close together. How is that Lego Pirates of the C anyway, Jude's been eyeing it, and he got some cash for his birthday and first communion...

  9. Aww... Happy Birthday!! My son would love to play with those presents!!-- what a haul!

  10. happy birthday to your kiddo. loved looking at the pictures of him growing up.

  11. Wow, look at how much he's grown! They do grow so fast, don't they? I can't believe my eldest is going to be 20 in October!! It makes me feel so old and yet I'm only 38. lol

  12. Yay! Happy birthday Turbo! And I love the pictures through the years!

  13. Happy Birthday Turbo! He is so tall for 8, but my mental measure has been off lately since my Bubba is at camp. He is almost 8.


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