Jen at Sprite's Keeper has challenged us to write about roles.
Mother, father, sister, brother, daughter, son, teacher, clerk, cashier, hero, damsel.. We all have roles. What's your role? Favorite role? Least favorite? Role you feel obligated to play? What role defines you best? What role do you want to redefine?
I have many roles. Wife, mother, sister, daughter, daughter-in-law, finder, chief picker upper, the one who deals with puke, medicine dispenser, geologist, bill payer, cook, baker, laundress, peacekeeper, event planner, soother, blogger, reader, scrapbooker, cleaner, dishwasher, etc. Really, the list could go on and on.
Several of these I would gladly give up, but if I didn't do them, who would? They never tell you when you get ready to have that first baby, you will be picking up after him, wiping his rear and nose, cleaning up puke, coaxing him to eat, talk, walk, and grow for ever. I don't like the puke picking up aspect of things. I like even less being puked on. Wiping little noses, and discussing your child's pooping habits--these they don't warn you about.
I would gladly hand over the bill paying role but Nick would forget and I'd get blamed when the bills didn't get paid. I hate the laundry but I'm not letting Nick anywhere near my clothes (It all goes in together, right?). Nick only picks up in sporadic bursts, so if I didn't the place would be spotless then a disaster in cycles. Of course there is the fact that when I pick up you can still find the things I put away. We are still looking for some of the things Nick "put away" the last time he cleaned up.
My two favorite are wife and mother--two I chose to take on. I love being a wife and I love being a mother(expect the puke thing). But I try hard not to let these roles take over so much I lose myself. To be well rounded you must have more than two aspects to yourself. I am a geologist, reader, scrapbooker, all things that make me a better me.
I have also discovered that I am a blogger. This helps me stay saner at home because I have a place the vent when things get crazy. I also get some great comments that make me smile about what has happened and that makes it all better. When I first entered the world of blogging I was not sure how I would fit in, but I have found it to be a wonderful place filled with great people. So this is a role I relish and am hoping to maintain.