So, we survived an overly interesting Monday. And now it's Tuesday, so let's random up the place:
- Nick got his first aura associated with a migraine yesterday. At least we hope that's what he got. He started seeing a streak of multicolored lightening in his right eye. We went to the eye doctor so they could make sure it wasn't a detached retina. No sign of that, but he will go back in a month for another check.
- The friend I watch country music award shows is back in town. Tonight we will watch the ACMs and enjoy a glass or two of wine. I record it so we can skip commercials, acceptance speeches and such. We have fun critiquing the dresses worn and the performers. Looking forward to it.
- This:

- We have some movies to catch up on--the Hobbit comes out today. Weather pending and if it's available, we will rent it this weekend. If the weather is fantastic, we will be out enjoying it, but chances and the weatherman say it's going to get crappy by Saturday. Whee, spring in Wyoming.
- Turbo leaves for his trip to the Teton Science School in two weeks. He will be gone for four days. He's pretty excited about this trip. It's his first trip away for multiple nights without a family member. I'm going to miss him, but he will have a blast.
- Turbo's birthday is creeping up quickly. It will be over Memorial weekend and he's not sure what he want to do. He'd like to have a swim party and sleepover, but we have told him he only gets to choose one of those options. Decisions, decisions.
- Nick has also challenged Turbo to a video game free 30 days. Turbo has decided that he will try it in May, with an exception made for his birthday. If he succeeds, he wins money to spend as he wishes. May just might be an interesting month--or he will drive me to distraction.
So what random do you have today? Link it up with
Stacy--she who is now Random Queen, or our fearless leader of the random!
LOL I need a vacation too and will take it any way I can get it!
ReplyDeleteOhhh what I'd give for a vacation! It feels like it's been forever since I've gone ANYwhere!!
ReplyDeleteI should go rent a movie sometime soon... I've seen a few in theatres, but there are lots I don't get to the theatre to see and then I miss out on them completely it seems!
Does the second installment of The Hobbit come out today? All righty, then - I know what I'm doing tonight!
ReplyDeleteTotally need a vacation like that. STAT. Especially after LD had the *gall* to steal the hubby's last slice of birthday cake. *smacks forehead*
ReplyDeleteOooooh! I forgot the Hobbit part Deux was coming out today! I better get the first one and catch up, eh? Especially since the third one is coming to a theater near you in December. ;)
I'd love to know what Turbo decides to do for his birthday - as it stands right now (with 7 months to go) Princess Nagger wants a Pokemon birthday party. I'm gonna hold off before planning until I see what her final decision is between now and then, since history denotes she'll change her mind *several* times. :)
Thanks so much for being such an awesome loyal randomizer with me! You ROCK!!
I'll take your vacation. Who wouldn't want to live and work at the beach?