Monday, January 2, 2012

Coming out of the Holiday funk

OK, so the holidays happened.  And happened, and happened.  We did lots of stuff, but never really left the house.  It all seems strangely dream like looking back on it.
It all started with the flu--the 24 hour kind that I had twice.  And then generously gave to Nick for Christmas.  Thankfully the boys avoided catching it.  Sniffly noses abounded, but nothing worse for the boys.  Santa was good to everyone.  It was a very technological Christmas all the way around.  Xboxes, Kindles, and games all around.  Bruiser got some sports stuff and a driving need to go play.  Unfortunately it has been way to windy and cold to go outside most of break.
Nick and I got some great breaks from the boys over this break.  They spent two nights with my mom, which gave Nick and I a whole day alone.  We sort of didn't know what to do with ourselves.  We did figure it out after a while ;)
We got a nice offer from the grandparents for New Year's Eve.  They had both boys over for a sleepover.  We pushed our seafood feast back to New Year's day and enjoyed a kid free New Year's Eve.  We didn't go out, but had a fun time in and we stayed up until midnight, our time.  That is something we don't usually do.  I have to admit I missed the boys.
Nick has his first batch of beer almost ready to bottle.  I got him a brewing kit for Christmas.  He is saving bottles he can cap and looking forward to experimenting.
Nick also spent today doing science stuff with Turbo.  They made a batch of crystals, have worked on a Rube Goldberg contraption, and are making glow in the dark Mountain Dew.  Yes we are geeky like that.
We have had really strong winds, little snow and cold temps here.  I really want more snow.  Somehow winter is easier to deal with when it's white outside.  Gray and brown just depress me.  We have way to much gray and brown right now.
So I am almost ready to go back to the normal grind.  Almost.


  1. Ohhh no on the flu twice. That is a major bummer! Glad Santa was good to you all, he was pretty darn good at our house too.

    I'm trying to get back into bloggy mode, I've been away for far too long.

  2. The flu at Christmas stinks. I'm glad you are feeling better. I hate gray and brown, also. I hope you get snow white and blue very soon.

  3. I hate being sick during Christmas! But it happens to us more times than I care to remember!

    We're going to miss all of this family time now that my husband is going back to work today and school starts back up tomorrow.


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