Thursday, August 25, 2011

Use Your Words--Spin Cycle

Jen has assigned us language for this weeks Spin Cycle.  I did a word picture for a post over a year ago and thought it might work as a different take on words.
I went to Wordle and pasted in a bit of text that I wrote about me.  It takes those words and makes a picture of them, making the words used the most larger.
Here's what I got:
Here is the link to the the Wordle.  They hold it and you have to make a screen shot to get the image, but still, it's fun.

Wordle: VandyJ

I like how it turned out and it's a fun way to use language.  Go check it out.
And that is my language spin for this week.

small cycle


  1. i LOVE Wordle! it's what i used to create Lovie's name art that is above her crib. i love love love it so!

  2. I've seen those but never knew where they came from! Thanks for sharing, and cool spin!

  3. I've never heard of that but it looks really cool! Thanks for the link!

  4. That sounds like a lot of fun to do except I have no clue how to do a screen shot so I wouldn't be able to save it. I am technomoronic.

  5. I have seen some pretty cool word clouds that spin around letting you pick and choose topics to go to. I'll have to put one up sometime soon.

  6. I don't know what is up with me not being able to leave you comments on Thursdays... I once ran a word cloud and the top 3 were Sprite, John, and Spin Cycle.
    No kidding. :-)
    You're linked!


I love to get comments! They make my heart go pitter-pat! Go on comment--I'll do my best to go give your blog some love too!


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