Dear friends and family,
2014 has been an interesting year for all of us. Shall I sart with the youngest and move on from there, sure why not?
Bruiser has had a wonderful year. He completed preschool and started Kindergarten. He loves school and is doing well. He also learned to ride a bike this year, no training wheels. He needs to get just a bit bigger so he can learn to start the bike on his own, but he's riding like a champ once he gets that first push off. We are so proud of him! He is also getting a new bedroom, well new to him as he is getting Turbo's old room. Bruiser is excited to have both the room and the loft bed.
Turbo has had a good year too. He started sixth grade and is settling in, with only a few bumps and adjustments. He is currently on the cross country ski team and is enjoying the experience of practicing and after Christmas he will get to compete. Turbo will be moving into his new room this weekend. He will be living in the attic where we have finished out a very nice room for him. At 11, it was time to give him a bit of a retreat.
Both boys are looking forward to Christmas and the Christmas break with much anticipation. In truth, so are Nick and I.
In news of Nick, there were some shake ups at work this year and the result is that Nick is the current Technical Lead. He's pretty much in charge of the technical side of things at work. He is up to the challenge and is growing into the role nicely. He tried very hard to archery hunt this year, but the weather was just too nice. The animals stayed high and hard to find in the mountains.
I myself have had a pretty good year too. Work is still interesting and I do like going there. I have found that even with Bruiser's picky eating, we can still have a decent variety for dinner menus. I have tried to get more active. This is a more come and go activity, but I'm trying.
As for the fun things we did this year, we had a whirlwind tour of Wyoming with the boys in early summer. We headed up to Sheridan and then over the Bighorns. A second night in Thermopolis with a visit to the hot springs and the dinosaur museum. Then we were headed home. The boys got to see some of Wyoming and they loved the hot springs.
Just before school started, we took the boys for a few days in the Black Hills. We camped in a campground outside Custer SD. The boys named it Bunny campground for all the rabbits running semi wild. It was a very fun trip with a visit to Jewel Cave, The Cosmos Mystery Spot, Bear Town and Reptile Gardens. We will definitely be heading back up there to visit again.
Once school got started, we settled into a sort of routine. We did a round of swim lessons, Bruiser is very close to advancing to level 4. Turbo is at level 8 and truthfully could move on to the swim team, but he is busy with ski team at the present. Halloween held it's usual fun and candy getting and Thanksgiving was wonderful this year, spent with family and friends.
I wish you all a fabulous 2015, and hope the new year brings health and love.
Vandy, Nick, Turbo and Bruiser!
What would your holiday letter be? Or would you write a letter to Santa? Spin it up and join up.