Every one needs balance in their lives--between work and play, private and public, family and friends, being mommy and being a woman, being a wife and being mom. I strive very hard to maintain balance especially in my life at home.
When we had Turbo I became a stay at home mom for the first fifteen months of his life. It was very hard to not get lost in being mommy. I had to remember there were other parts to me to keep my sanity. There was the wife part, the friend part and the adult part. Nick was very instrumental in keeping the wife and adult parts balanced, but the friend part was harder. It helped when I went back to school. I was able to make friends in my classes.
Nick and I have worked hard at keeping our marriage strong. And it does take a lot of work and effort. Anyone looking in from the outside would think it was easy for us. In some ways it is easy, but mostly we work at it all the time. It helps that we are friends (the lover part isn't too bad either). I'm very glad he encouraged me to go back to school. He is so proud of me and I'm very proud of him.
Balance is something that is not talked about in the baby books all that much. Oh, they say you should make time for yourself but they don't say you need to make the effort to not let little Junior take over every loving minute of you time and thoughts and conversation. I make time during my day to be me, not just a mom, or wife or staff member. Me, the person who loves to read in the tub, scrapbook, play with my DS, blog, and so many other pursuits that can get pushed aside when the little people invade your life.
You are so ahead of the game realizing that you need to make "me" time a regular part of your life so you don't lose you. You, and everyone around you, will be so much happier for it!
ReplyDeleteOh, how I struggle with finding the balance!
ReplyDeleteIt's definitely easier to make "me time" as the kids get older. I miss the baby/toddler stage sometimes, but my two youngest kids at home are 12 and 14, and we have such a great time together.
ReplyDeleteYou have a lot to look forward to!
I totally agree. Trying to find my balance led me to blogging in the first place!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds just like us. You're definitely a Mom I'd hang out with (and sort of do ;) Too many times I've had an adult conversation totally side tracked and lost by a toddler who just wanted to hear himself talk and a Mom who forgets that she's visiting with friends, not at a play date!
ReplyDeletegreat great GREAT post! I have lost my friend part, my me part.. and its hard to get it back certain days I find "her" again but then i lose "her" all over again balance is very difficult
ReplyDeleteBalance is so elusive for me. Being home all the time with them and their constant demands, usually means my needs get dropped to the bottom of the list of priorities. This is a good reminder to carve out some me time every now and again. And maybe blow the cobwebs off my blog. ;)
ReplyDeleteIt can be really hard to find that balance. I lost a lot of myself during the time I spent at home with the kids.
ReplyDeleteLuckily, my husband realizes that for us to work as a family, I have to have something that is more than just him and the kids.
I think balance is the #1 thing us moms deal with. It may seem that some have it all figured out but we all struggle with certain parts of our lives. I know I do!
ReplyDeleteIt is so great that you found that balance, soo many moms get lost in mommy mode.
ReplyDeleteI added your button to my page.