I'm joining Shell at Things I Can't Say for her Pour You Heart out Wednesday.
Today, I'm going to talk about Turbo. Seven years ago yesterday, Nick and I got to meet Turbo for the first time. He came early--two weeks early--so I wasn't quite ready to meet him and Nick was really unprepared for his arrival. Turbo's due date was June 8. It was Memorial Day weekend and my doctor was going out of town. The last thing he said to me before I left the office that Thursday was, "Don't have the baby this weekend, I'm going on vacation." Way to curse me, doc.
Early Sunday morning, I realized my water had broken and we needed to go to the hospital and by 1:30 Turbo was here. He was such a little guy--not too little, 7lbs. 9ozs. and 19 and half inches long. He was perfect.
And so two novice parents were set loose with a baby and somehow--by trail and error and a few miss steps we have made it the last seven years. Turbo is a bundle of energy. A goofy, fidgety, all knees and elbows kid. He enjoys legos (and can finally put the kits together himself--mostly), Scooby Doo, Bakugon, Transformers, and being outside. He loves to play in the water, can swing by himself and we hope will learn to ride his bike this summer.
He can be bossy, but gets along with other kids pretty well. He still loves his blanket--we did not know we were raising a Linus. He doesn't drag it every where but still needs a blanky fix every now and then. He smells the blanket (it is a down throw blanket so it's poofy--or it was once upon a time, it's lost a lot of feathers what with washing and using it like he does). When he is upset you will see him snuggled under the blanket with a corner held up to his nose, with his hands cupped there to hold it up. It's his own self soother--he's done it since he was about 15 months. What ever works.
Turbo is a daydreamer in school. He has the hardest time staying on task. We are still trying to get him to realize--work first then play. He getting it slowly--playing is way more fun.
I really can't express the feeling this wonderful, goofy kid makes me feel. Surprise, irritation, pleasure, exasperation, pride, annoyance, appreciation, anger, happiness and always always soul deep love. He's the one who made me a mom and the one who will always be first. Oh, my baby is growing up so fast--he's not a baby any more. But no matter what he'll always be my kid.
He gets to break the waters for his brother and look out for him as they are growing up. It is fun to watch them play together--now that Bruiser is getting bigger, they can rough house(within reason) and play more. Although we are already getting--"Bruiser! Get out of my room!" on a regular basis. Oh the things I remember saying to my little brother growing up , sounds odd hearing the same things coming out of Turbo's mouth.
Happy Seventh Birthday Turbo! You are the greatest kid going! I my own unbiased opinion!
Happy Birthday to both you and Turbo! I'm glad at 7 that he hasn't slowed down yet. There's a whole life time of sitting at desks and biding your time. Let him enjoy it while he can!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the first 7 years. May there be many more for the both of you.
How sweet!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday to your big guy!
Youve made it this far mom so you must be doing something right with him!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to him.
ReplyDeleteI love the way you have described him!!
Happy Birthday, Turbo! Sounds like a wonderful little boy!
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet post. I'm sure one day he will LOVE reading it! I love baby stories, thanks for sharing :) Happy Birthday to your Turbo!
ReplyDeleteAwe that was so sweet. It is amazing how fast they grow, wow 7! I have two boys and they love to "rough house" and pick on one another... Boys are so different but they are the best :)
ReplyDeleteAren't 7yo boys just the best? My baby is one of them and I can't believe how blessed I am. Glad you're blessed too.