Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Hodgepodge Wednesday Family Time


1. I feel most energized when I _______________________.
Get some alone time and can read and listen to music.  I am an introvert and really recharge by being alone and quiet.  Reading is a refuge and outlet both.

2. Where were you ten years ago? 
Ten years ago we were fresh back from a trip to Florida: Clearwater Beach and Disney World.  Just after we got back I discovered that I was pregnant with Bruiser. Turbo was five and would be headed to Kindergarten and I was working from home as a geologist for a Uranium exploration company.

Turbo on the beach at Sand Key, Florida

3. July 17th is World Emoji Day. Do you use emojis? Which one's your favorite? Your most used?
I use emojis when I text Nick and Turbo.  I will use the occasional smiley face with other texts but I am not really a big time user. I don't even have a favorite.

4. What song would you put on a wedding DO NOT PLAY list? 
Alanis Morrisette's You Oughta Know:
A song about a nasty breakup, most definitely not wedding ready.

5. What deserves less of your attention? More of your attention? 
I should probably spend less time reading.  I love to read, but should not try to spend all my free time reading.
My family deserves more of my attention.  With the move and us all being together all the time now we are spending more time as a family doing things together other than just sitting at home. This is a good thing.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.
The guys raced in the Fat Fish Racing Muddy Mountain Mayhem race on Monday.
Turbo at the start of the race

The weather was wildly variable from fog to sun and back to fog.

Bruiser and Nick finish the race

All my racing guys

Turbo took first in men's recreational division.
They had a good time and I was there as the cheering section.  It was a nice family outing and we all look forward to the next race.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the pictures from the race! I am so happy that you are able to spend time with your family all together now!! I cherish my family time so much!!! Hugs


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