So after a pretty decent weekend overall, Monday reared it's ugly head.
First the weekend. Friday night a friend of Nick's came over and we ended up enjoying the deck and have a few too many TABs. We did settle on what we are doing for my birthday this summer. Nick's friend S floats rivers--he has a cataraft and goes and does multiple day floats. He invited us to go float Dinosaur National Monument on the Green River over my birthday. I think it's a great way to spend my 40th birthday.
We stayed up far too late (2:00 am!!!) and I was up way too early on Saturday, but kids will do that to you. I got laundry sorted and the grocery run taken care of before Nick got up. Once he was moving again, we got the smoker set up and lit and got the chickens rubbed and
ready. They turned out fantastic.
Yummy goodness. |
We had friends over for dinner and it was a good time. However, Tabs did not flow as freely for Nick and I and we were early to bed too.
Sunday Nick took the boys for a four wheeler ride around town and then we hung out at home doing what ever Nick wanted to do. Much lounging ensued. We did have Nick's folks over to grill steaks and corn. Next time I have to get more corn. Both boys ate an entire ear each.
I conquered the laundry and got vacuuming done. Successful weekend all around. It would ahve been even better if Monday had not followed.
It's been a typical, manic sort of Monday what with getting kids ready, myself ready, trying to stay awake after an abysmal night's sleep, and trying not to get snappy (not much success there), dealing with Bruiser tears at daycare drop off, coordinating transport for Nick and I, making sure Nick get doctor appointments made. Umm, can I resign from Monday?