Monday, April 23, 2012

Something For Me

Well it was an interesting weekend.  I know I say that about a lot of our weekends, but that is the best opening descriptor.  Friday evening, after a very long strange week, neither Nick nor I felt like cooking.  I made grilled cheese for the boys, which have been a new hit with both boys, and Nick made himself canned soup and salad, while I went easy and had a bagel and onion and chive cream cheese.  It was just one of those nights.
Saturday was better.  Nick went four wheeling with some friends.  I got the grocery shopping done just as he left.  When he got back we had lunch and then took the boys swimming at the Rec Center.  Everyone enjoyed that one.  It was really good to spend time together doing nothing in particular but having fun.
Nick packed Saturday afternoon, and he left about 2:15am Sunday morning for Long Beach.  He had to pick up a work colleague and head to the airport in Denver.  I did not envy him the departure time, but I do envy him the trip to California.
Sunday morning, I got up with the boys and we watched A Shot in the Dark, an old Peter Sellers movie.  Then I packed the boys up and we headed out.  A stop at the store happened and Then I picked up my mom and we made a flashing trip to Cheyenne.  Turbo needed sandals, Bruiser needed a swim shirt, I needed wax for my legs.
Once we got home, Turbo went to play with friends, Bruiser went down for a nap, and I waxed my legs, and dyed my hair.  It's kind of really red now.

After the dye.  It's quite red, but I'm getting used to it.
After my hair cut, I have not the patience to straighten it myself.

So I spent a bit of time on me on Sunday and then spent time with the boys.  We had a good dinner,and watched some movies.  This morning was quite a bit busier.  I got Bruiser to his babysitter, Turbo off to school, and myself to work.  All without loosing my mind or my cool--score one for mom!  This is way easier when Nick is here to take Bruiser to the babysitter.  It leaves me with just Turbo to wrangle and keep moving in the right direction.  Thank goodness I could ride my bike so parking at work was not an issue.
Now I just have to remember to go home at lunch to let the dog out and then go collect everyone this afternoon.  Mondays stink.
So how was your weekend?  Was it exciting or just normal.  I, myself, am looking forward to anormal weekend where the weather is good and we can get out in it.


  1. sounds like a wonderful weekend

  2. Sounds like a great weekend. Love your red hair!!! Good for you, taking a little me time. :D

  3. Oh I had a blissful weekend away from everything. No phone service, no internet...just some good old fashioned quality time with the girls and family! :)
    I love the hair!!

  4. Sounds like a good weekend to me!

  5. We didn't do anything for once. It was great.

  6. Your weekend was much better than mine! *jealous* You look great as a redhead! But I am partial to red hair. :D



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