Thursday, January 18, 2018

15 Things--Writer's Workshop

Prompt #2: A list of 15 things to make this your best year yet.

  1. Travel.  With a beach. So Florida is on the list for this summer.  We need to introduce Bruiser to the ocean. And then maybe (OK definitely) a trip to the Mouse.  Turbo went when he was 5 so now it's Bruiser's turn to do Disney.
  2. Cook.  I am rediscovering the fun in cooking.  It helps that Bruiser is starting to expand his accepted foods. IT's hard to cook when the littlest in the house hates the food.
  3. Paint.  This is a new one for me.  I had a friend give me a few paint by number for my birthday.  Once we have moved I will have a place I can set up and work on them.  I also enjoy going to paint parties.  I may have to figure out someone to go with in the new town, but going may force me to make new friends.
  4. Date night.  Make date night with my hubby.  Or at least one on one time.  We have a whole new city to explore this summer.  Kind of looking forward to it.
  5. Decorate.  I have an entire house, with acres of wall space and tons more floor space than our current house.  There will be decorating.  After the unpacking.
  6. Camp.  We must get out camping this summer.  There are lakes that are fairly close to our new town.  We have kayaks and a camper.  This is a must go situation.
  7. Date time.  Time out with the boys.  I really need to spend some time with each of them.  I need to encourage Nick to spend one on one time with them too.  It will be good for them.
  8. Kayak.  We have four of them.  the new town has a river with a kayak park in it.  We need to utilize the facilities available.
  9. Time with friends. I will spend time with my friends as much as possible before we move.  I know we will be seeing them still, but two and half hours makes for a long commute with necessary planning involved.  Not so much with the spontaneous get together.
  10. Be brave.  I need to be brave about making new friends. Not an easy task for my introverted little self, but I will try.
  11. Movie school.  We are introducing the boys to some of our favorite moves from when we grew up.  They need the pop culture references and it's a fun evening.
  12. Relax. Stress less, let things go. Really right now the things that should cause me stress are so small. the big ones are all taken care of now. If I stress less, relax more, life is easier.
  13. Four wheel.  We have two machines, a trailer and with any luck the time to go enjoy them this summer. We just have to do it.
  14. Exercise.  I'm not the most diligent at this one, but I need to make myself move. I do have some motivation in the Florida trip we want to take this summer.  Swim suits. Beaches.   Enough said.
  15. Be positive.  About the move, life, love and everything.  I won't let negative be my go to reaction.  I'm not bad at this one, but if you have a positive attitude, lots of things are so much easier.


  1. What a great list! I love kayaking and camping and traveling! I hope your year turns out great and wonderful!

  2. Looks ambitious! Hope you get them accomplished.


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