Monday, November 28, 2016

Wonderful Holiday

Did everyone have a good Thanksgiving?  I think ours was just about perfect. Lots of good food, good friends and family and just enough activity versus relaxing moments for everyone.

Then there was Friday shopping.  There were six of us shopping and two vehicles and shopping happened.

No, it's not all my stuff.  Some of it is and I will get all gushy about what was mine for Christmas. With this trip, I have 75-80% of my Christmas shopping done.  There is some stuff to get for the boys still and I have a couple thing still to get for my hubby, but the bulk is done.
We are still munching leftovers and all the other normal post-Thanksgiving activities.  We might be able to manage a Christmas tree this weekend.  I hope we can make it up to the mountains for a tree this year.  It's one of those small traditions that we love doing as a family.  Nick and I even came to a decision on the tree's location this year.
I really hope that everyone had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving this year!

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