Monday, February 5, 2018

Monday and MMMM

So here we are at another Monday. The weekend was semi productive.  I got laundry done.

I really do hate the folding part of laundry.  However, if I don't fold and put away the laundry it turns into laundry anarchy and makes more work for me ultimately.
We did get out as a family for lunch on Saturday.  Nick has improved his cholesterol numbers and so he got a good burger as a reward. He's back on his diet change now, but he enjoyed his burger.

Anyway, how about MMMM.  This week is favorite country songs.  Or a freebie.  Whatever, I usually do country so here you go:
Carrie Underwood with Champion:

Carly Pearce with Hide the Wine:

Josh Abbott Band with Wasn't the Drunk

Have a great week!


  1. I had to laundry also. It is the thing I hate the most. Great songs there.

  2. A lot of introductions here for me, but talk about awesome.... woo hoo! I didn't know Carrie Underwood came out with a new song... not sure I like it though. Personally I think she traveled away from her comfort zone meaning Country Music. This rap stuff just wasn't made for her. Great choices my friend. You rocked the house!

  3. I did laundry all day today! Clothes and then three loads of towels! Thanks for the reminder: I have a load in the dryer to get out now... :)

    I like all your song choices and most were new to me. I think my fav of all is Wasn't That Drunk. Never heard of the Josh Abbott Band. I appreciate the introduction.

    Have a good week,

    Michele at Angels Bark

  4. Vandy,

    Laundry isn't a big deal now that the kids are out of the house but I remember the day when it was one of the most horrible jobs to keep up with and like you caused complete anarchy if left unattended. Clothes don't fold themselves and leaving it bunched up can grow into a sizable mount after awhile. Josh Abbott Band is new-to-me. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed their sound and will check out more of their stuff. Have a good week!


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