Monday, April 25, 2016

Dreary Monday

Yes, it's rather dreary here today.  We also have snow predicted for tomorrow.  Still not much with the spring weather, winter is still hanging on by it's fingertips.
This weekend was a whole lot of getting not a lot done.  I accomplished the laundry--minus the towels.  Those I'll do tonight, I think. I did hit the second hand store and picked up some cute shirts for when the warm weather actually arrives for more than a tease.

Nick has a conference he's heading out to.  I alsmost went with him, but real life reared it's crazy head and I am staying home to shuttle dentist appointments, school drop off and generally be mom.  Fun, no?!

And now for MMMM.  This week the theme is 80s/90s music, but lesser know songs from your favorite artists.
The late 80's/early 90's was my high school years.  I listened to hair bands and rock music.  Let's see what I can come up with:
Bon Jovi with 99 in the Shade:

Poison with Cry Tough:

Mötley Crüe with Same Ol' Situation:

There you go, three hair bands I listened to and some of the not hits that were on the tapes and CDs I wore out.

Have a great week!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Snow and MMMM

Much like last year at this time, we have a foot of snow on the ground.
One year ago, 2015.


Again, yesterday.
Mother nature decided to deal with what ever hot flash she had by opening the freezer and dumping snow on us. And then she will get all warm again by Friday.  I'm not so much a fan of "spring" weather.

And now for MMMM:  Freebie week!
Drake White with Livin' the Dream

Carrie Underwood with Church Bells:

Brandy Clark with Girl Next Door:
Have a great Week! We will be melting off Mother Nature's latest chilling efforts.


Monday, April 11, 2016

Spotlight Monday MMMM

OK, so this last weekend was fun and lots of relaxing, even if I got the laundry done.  Go me!

Friday night we watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens with our cousins.  We had pizza and enjoyed the movie.  It was lots of fun seeing Nick see it for the first time.

Saturday I had a nasty migraine, but managed to get a good start on the laundry despite the need for a dark room and no loud noises. Sunday was better and I even got the laundry folded and put away.  I'm not mentioning the baskets of sheets and towels that need folding.  La la la, I can't hear them yelling at me.

Oh, how I wish there was a machine that folded...

Now on to MMMM.  I was Spotlight dancer and got to choose the theme, so here you go:
Pick your theme song or soundtrack:
Kacey Musgraves with Follow Your Arrow:

Marin Morris with My Church:

Kacey Musgraves with Biscuits:
Have a great week!


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Monday, April 4, 2016

Relax and MMMM

So this past weekend we did nothing too exciting and just really relaxed.

So yeah, I could use more weekend.  Nick got the trim around the wood stove where the tile meets the new laminate floor finished on Saturday--with only two trips to the hardware store. Most of our projects take three or more trips, so this one went pretty smoothly.
Me, myself and I did next to nothing other than grocery shopping and washing towels.  I did get both boys sheets changed.
Nick found a good biscuit recipe.  Biscuits are the one thing I failed at making at our high altitude. 7200 feet makes baking anything a challenge.  Nick found a recipe on line for high altitude and it turned out to be quite tasty.

And now for a freebie week at MMMM:
Marin Morris with My Church:

Eric Paslay with High Class:

Chris Young with Think of You
Have a great week!


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