Questions for the Hodgepodge:
1. What is one area of your life where you're a perfectionist? Is that a good thing?
I'm not really much of a perfectionist, I'm more a get it done as well as possible, but get it done kind of girl. Striving for perfection can really slow things down. My mom found the saying that finished is better than perfect and she started applying it to her crafts because trying for perfect can cause a project to never get finished.
2. What's something you find perfectly ridiculous?
The "style" of boys wearing pants that hang so very low. The over sharing that goes on via the internet. The over offense people take at the slightest hint of criticism. I could go on and on...
3. What's a skill you've developed by way of that old fashioned saying, 'practice makes perfect?
Meal planning. I learned the basics before I left home, but mom was the cook at home. It wasn't until I moved out that I started learning the making of a meal, not just cooking parts of it. There is a skill to having all the elements of a meal come together at the same time. Pleasing multiple people with that meal is a whole other issue.
4. What's your idea of a perfect breakfast?
Biscuits and gravy. Nick makes a mean version of it too. Although, Nick's hash browns, eggs and bacon is really good too. I guess, mostly, a perfect breakfast is one my hubby cooks!
5. What's a trip, holiday, vacation, or day outing you've taken that you'd rate a perfect 10? Tell us why.
We have so many trips that could be perfect 10s. We love to get in the truck and hit the road. It helps that we have so fantastic scenery within driving distance.
Rocky Mountain National Park |
Death Valley National Park |
The beach at LAke Michigan |
Rafting the Green River in Dinosaur National Monument |
Road trip to the Snowy Mountains |
The Black Hills |
Yellowstone |
Arches National Park |
Four wheeling about an hour from home. |
And so many more...
6. What quote or saying perfectly sums up your life right now? If you can't do perfect, how about one that comes close?
It always gets better. No matter how bad things look now, it will get better. Just keep moving forward.
7. How would you spend $300 today?
I'd got to Bed Bath and Beyond and get new flatware and towels and sheets. It would be easy to spend it there.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I'm going to my first wine and paint party tonight. I'm looking forward to it as something new I have wanted to do for a while now. I have a friend going with me and we are looking forward to having a fun night out.