Monday, October 3, 2016

Flashing Fast Weekend and MMMM

Yep, this last weekend went by far too fast.  We got tons done though so there's that.  I now have a counter and some cabinets that will become a scrap booking area once the boxes of my mom's pictures and memorabilia has been sorted.  We also filled a trailer with stuff that is bound for the dump.  This cleaned out Nick's garage quite handily.
Now, if we could only get Bruiser to sleep in his bed again.  Turbo had a run with being scared of Zombies when he was about 7.  Now we are dealing with it with Bruiser.  The problem with Bruiser is he doesn't have a defined thing he is afraid of.  He is just scared and doesn't want to sleep in his bed.   So right now he is sleeping in the attic with Turbo. Better there than crawling in bed with us at odd hours of the night.

Well let's see what MMMM can come up with today.  The theme is Elvis tunes. 
My mother's favorite Elvis movie was Follow That Dream. Here is the theme song from that movie:

Elvis with Heartbreak Hotel:

Elvis with Hound Dog:

Have a great week!


  1. I guess you should just enjoy the kid wanting to be with you while you've got it.

    Happy Elvis Day.

  2. Oh yeah, some great pickins' here... I love his black leather outfit the best... Heartbreak Hotel is one of my favorites too. Thanks for sharing... Have a great day and wonderful weekend!!!! hugs


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