Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Random Type Tuesday

We survived the 4th of July.  Or Scare-the-crap-out-of-your-dog-day.  Yeah, Toolie doesn't like the firework portion of the 4th of July.
Still, aside from that, we had a lovely weekend.  We didn't do anything spectacular, but we had fun.

We now have an antenna that allows us to watch NBC and CBS.  Relatively local channels at that.  We wanted to be able to watch the Olympics and didn't really need all the extra coverage of say soccer and such that cable would provide.  We just watch prime time coverage so this works for us.

We did have a get together and smoked some fabulous ribs for the 4th.  Maybe next year we will go camping. I did get to get teh feet picture with my friends that has become a sort of annual summer thing:
July 2014

July 2015

July 2016

Gotta love having friends!

That does it for my random, have a great week!
Join in on the random fun  with  Stacy.

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