Friday, October 26, 2018


Yeah, so I am supremely inconsistent with this whole posting thing. But it has been just almost 9 years since I started this blogging thing. So much has changed since I dipped my toe into the blogging world in search of an outlet and a connection.
  •  I had a 10 month old Bruiser, who is now 9.
  • A 6 year old Turbo, who is now 15 and (OMG Driving!!!).  
  • We have moved towns, but not states. 
  • I have had one blog inspired meet up and hope to have a couple more.
  • I went from a relatively isolated mom to a small, but solid network of friends (which I get the challenge of rebuilding in my new town).
  • I got to share some epic road trips and vacations.
  • I have knocked a few things off my bucket list.
  • I have added a few things to the bucket list.
  • I have made some annual promises and kept a majority of them.
I have come to realize I need to blog again for my sanity's sake. Blogging helps me not feel so isolated.  I'm hoping it will help until I can develop a network here.  Being an introvert sucks.  I totally need an extrovert to come drag me out of the house.

For me, cats count as friends too!
 So all in all things are going as well as can be expected in our new town. I will make friends, but it will be a process.

And how have things been in the blog world?

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